
Creating a Single customer view

Customer intimacy at your fingertips with a single-view dashboard

If you or your marketing colleagues are spending precious time and sweat studying spreadsheets and juggling multiple platforms and data formats to catch a clear view of your customers, it’s time to switch to Datatrics. Our easy-to-use, plug-and-play Customer Data Platform (CDP) brings together all the data you have about your customers and prospects on a single-view dashboard. Drawing from multiple channels – including your website, email marketing and advertising campaigns – Datatrics unifies your entire marketing ecosystem. An ideal time saver and performance booster for industries reliant on diverse data flows – from e-recruitment to e-retail – our Single Customer View (SCV) solution places customer intimacy at your fingertips.

  • Instant, easy access for all your team members to all customer interactions and data, along with relevant external data, on one page in real time
  • Clear, consistent and continuously updated customer profiles and segments based on analysis of all your data flows and data silos
  • Automatic and manual identification of new correlations between different data flows to maximise your performance
