
Predictive 360º Profiles

Create predictive 360° customer profiles, identifying customer types and buying phases
With a rich assortment of cleaned and structured data in place, our algorithm sets to work to analyse the data. It studies both the characteristics and the behaviour of your buyers and prospects, such as website visitors. This analysis yields automated, unified customer profiles that show you the personal details and preferences of individuals. It then generates profile-specific predictions based on customer type, buying phase and other key factors. Using Artificial Intelligence to continuously optimise and refine these With these insights, we help you to know what each customer or segment wants, and how you can best serve them.


Key Features

Create predictive 360° customer profiles, identifying customer types and buying phases

See the key features of Predictive 360° customer profiles.


Unique customer profiles

Predictive 360° customer profiles: data-based, up-to-date and personalised


Predictive fields

Insight into a variety of key factors, such as customer type (for example, Economical, Impulsive or Single-minded), buying phase (Orientation, Comparison, Decision or Evaluation), or persuasion method (for example, Social Proof or Scarcity)

How it works

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