
Customer Data Management

All your data collected, cleaned and clearly presented
Like most businesses today, your organisation likely has a lot of valuable data about your customers – perhaps more than you realise. Getting the tools or know-how to capitalise on them can be challenging. Here’s where Datatrics comes in. With our Customer Data Platform (CDP), data is automatically collected from different internal and external channels and brought together in one place. We clean the data, removing or repairing whatever is incomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant, and structure it, so that it’s ready for analysis.


Key Features

All your data collected, cleaned and clearly presented

See the key features of our Customer Data Management capability.


Integrate all internal data sources

All internal customer data is collected


Cleaned & Structured

The data is cleaned and structured with respect for user privacy (governing)


External data sources

Vital external data is added, such as demographics and weather predictions.


Plug & Play integrations

Our 120+ standard integrations will save you the time and cost of having customised integrations built for your company

How it works

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What can you do with a Customer Data Platform?


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