Marketing personalization made easy

Create personalized customer experiences

Increase conversions using AI-powered technology to unify marketing data, segment your audience and connect each customer with the right messages at the right moment.

Personalize website, email and ads

Map and automate customer journeys


Our Customers


Empower your marketing team

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual tasks to consolidate data

Our technology will clean, connect, and organize your customer data from multiple sources to create unified 360° customer profiles that are updated in real-time.

How does our Customer Data Platform work?

Step 1

Connect your marketing tools

Automated integration of data coming from your website, analytics, CRM, email builder, social media, advertising, reviews and more. 120+ integrations available.

Step 2

Find insights about customers

Understand how visitors and customers interact with your products and services and identify patterns. Qualify and quantify the people who visit your website.

Step 3

Segment your Audience

Use data based information to create segments with your audience according to journey stage, preferences, purchase history, drivers and triggers.

Step 4

Curate your content

Create collections and group content according to customer's interests and behavior so it can reach the right people.

Step 5

Create campaigns & journeys

Unleash your creativity and create multiple campaigns with personalized content to trigger the right people at the right moment of the journey to increase conversion.

Step 6

Measure and optimize

Track the performance of your campaigns and journeys, compare results between different customer segments and learn how to keep your audience engaged.

Increase the marketing ROI



Connect to more than 120 marketing tools

We are here to make your life easier, allowing information to flow directly from your marketing tools your team already uses to Datatrics and vice versa.


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Try Datatrics for free

With our free plan, you can integrate your channels and start to collect relevant insights about your visitors and customers to improve their experience with your brand.