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Free Datatrics account now available


Datatrics recently introduced the possibility for any marketer to explore how to start with personalization strategies by offering a free account.

With this free account, you take the first steps into creating personalized customer experiences and experience the ease of doing so. To find out more about this great tool for marketers and all the benefits that roll out of it, we have an interview with Bas Nieland, Founder, and CEO of Datatrics. He will tell us more about his thoughts and why this free option is valuable.

Tip: if you want to learn more about a Customer Data Platform and all its benefits? Read more here: What is a Customer Data Platform (CDP)?

For the people who don't know Datatrics and what a Customer Data Platform (CDP) is, could you explain to us in a Nutshell what Datatrics does?
Datatrics offers a solution for marketers struggling with managing data and privacy concerns while also trying to focus on its customers. This becomes more challenging every day. To make marketers' lives easier, Datatrics is there to help create meaningful and personalized customer experiences that contribute to conversion and revenue increases.

We do this with our predictive marketing platform based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We create 360-degree profiles of your visitors and customers, enabling you to target the right person with the right message at the right time, so you are and stay relevant.

Why do you offer a free account?
CDPs are still quite new for small and medium enterprises and often a black box. With Datatrics' free account, we want to give a glimpse of all the possibilities you have with our CDP. As the options are endless, we want to show why we are so enthusiastic about our product without the SMEs investing in it already. With a free account, you can collect data and generate valuable insights about your customers and already see how you can make this actionable.

The Datatrics algorithm then generates insights into customer type, persuasion triggers, buying phase, and the best time to contact your customers. The free account makes it more accessible for companies that think about taking the first steps towards personalization.

What are the first results?
80 companies from several countries already started using our free version. Companies from the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy, without any promotion in just a couple of months. Out of these signups, we also enrolled some clients who are now actively using our platform.

"We have high hopes about the success of the free version because we strongly believe in the benefits it will deliver for marketers nowadays." - Bas Nieland, CEO & Founder Datatrics.

Datatrics keeps developing its product. Future free users can expect more and more possibilities with our platform. Not only will you be able to unify your data and create audiences, but you will also be able to create touchpoints, several campaigns, and customer journeys.

What are the benefits of using Datatrics for a company?
With Datatrics, you can become a lot more relevant as a brand. Customers love to visit your website as you give them the feeling they matter by only showing content they love. This could be via email, advertising, and your website. We make it easily accessible to create pop-ups, exit intents, abandoned cart campaigns, ect. The most crucial part of the success is that it is all data-driven in combination with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Is there a specific benefit for marketers as well?
Besides this free account provides insights on how to use a CDP, you do not have to work with different spreadsheets and systems to ensure you have all the correct data for your campaigns. Datatrics collects it all in one place, making the team save an enormous amount of time by the end of the day. It is safe to say that with this free account, Datatrics transforms the industry.

Have you become curious? Start exploring the possibilities with your own free account. If you have any questions, send us a message through our chat or email:
