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Audience, the part of our software that allows you to manage all your customer and visitor profiles, has been completely revamped. Why this radical approach, and what are the most valuable new features for users? To Product Manager Jan Willem van Dijk the answer is clear: ‘Audience now offers more insight, thanks to Master profiles; it’s faster and so easy to use that every marketer will be able to work with it.’


Conversion rate uplift Audience 2.0

Jan Willem started working at Datatrics two years ago, when the process of updating Audience had just begun. It was a complex project, he says. ‘Audience is the core of our Customer Data Platform (CDP), so every aspect of it impacts other parts of our software. A complete update like that, at the front and back end of the software, takes a lot of time. But we – and more importantly, our customers - are really satisfied with the result. For example, we have already seen an increase in the conversion rate uplift. The average conversion increase among Datatrics users was already higher than among the control group, but since we introduced Audience 2.0 at the end of May ‘22, it has increased even further from an average of 20% to 30%. This is a clear competitive advantage for our users.’

Conversion uplift after introduction Audience 2.0

With third-party cookies on the way out, using a CDP is becoming increasingly important for many companies. ‘I think it's great that we have once again managed to shape the power of complex AI technologies in such a simple and user-friendly way that the result is perfect, even for small retailers.’

50 channels create one Master profile

These days, no marketing team can do without understanding who the customers are and collecting the fullest possible spectrum of characteristics from website visitors. ‘You can’t place personalized content until you understand who you are communicating with,’ explains Jan Willem. ‘That is why our biggest improvement has been the so-called Master profile. Previously, one person could appear up to five times in your database, because a separate profile would be created based on each online channel they accessed. A 360-degree customer profile automatically merges all a customer’s data. The Master Profile brings together data from up to 50 channels, so that you have a much better and more complete picture of your customers.’

"I think it's great that we have once again managed to shape the power of complex AI technologies in such a simple and user-friendly way that the result is useful even for small retailers."

Jan Willem van Dijk, Product Manager

Segments are defined according to your choice of characteristics

To create personalized campaigns, you need strong, accurate customer segments. And, as far as Jan Willem is concerned, these can be as specific as you want them to be. ‘I want users to be able to create a segment based on all the customer characteristics and criteria that are useful for marketing their business. From basic information, such as a place of residence or conversions, to the predictive data generated by our algorithm about customer type, buyer phase, and preferred persuasion method. And new visitors who meet your segment requirements are automatically added, so your segments are always updated in real-time.’

New feature: automatic standard segments
Segments that we think can really help the customer will soon be created automatically. Handy, right? And then you can still choose which standard segments you use.

Faster and even easier to use

As well as the Master profile feature, the new version of Audience has several other relevant improvements, says Jan Willem. ‘Ease of use is one of our software’s most important features. So, we also updated the interface: the new version is more logical, more straightforward, and still has the same look and feel as the Content section. It helps users to become familiar with the software more quickly. Creating a new segment hardly requires any explanation. We’ve also improved the loading speed with new up-to-date technology, so the software is now more stable and works four times faster.’

Updated Timeline offers more transparency

Datatrics customers were closely involved in the process of updating Audience. One particular section has been hugely expanded as a result of their input and requirements, says Jan Willem. ‘Our customers told us they wanted more insight. Our main focus was on keeping the overview of the software clear, but users wanted to know more about how the program makes certain choices. That’s why we've expanded the Timeline, the section that shows all activities and changes within a profile. Changes such as added profile information, website behavior, or positioning in a segment used to take place at the back end. Now, they are visible and transparent.’

5 advantages of Audience 2.0

  • User-friendly interface

  • Four times faster

  • Complete customer view with Master profiles

  • Insight through Timeline

  • Easy to set up segments

Discover what the new version of Audience can do for your organization. Request a demo or try out our free trial version!
